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The Delta Bombers + DJ MarK 666 2018 à Marseille - Bouches-du-Rhone / Foxoo
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The Delta Bombers + DJ MarK 666 2018 à Marseille / Bouches-du-Rhone

Evènement passé.

Le mardi 15 mai 2018 à Marseille.

Une coproduction LE MOLOTOV et ASPHALT BURNERS .

The Delta Bombers have smashed stages all over the world for 10 years. Driven by a hybrid of 50's rock and roll fused with swampy blues, country, and rockabilly. The hard touring band's haunting but powerful voice Chris Moinichen keeps the sounds fresh and always from a new angle.



Enregistrement : http://www.lemolotov.com/evenement/10744/delta-bombers-

Le molotov

3 Place Paul Cézanne, 13006 Marseille
Débute à 21H00

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