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The CLAN et les Muddy buddies, ?Irish Celtic Rock? 2018 à Marseille - Bouches-du-Rhone / Foxoo
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The CLAN et les Muddy buddies, ?Irish Celtic Rock? 2018 à Marseille / Bouches-du-Rhone

Evènement passé.

Le jeudi 07 juin 2018 à Marseille.

THE CLAN - Celtic rock band from Milan formed in September 2013 from musicians coming from different musical projects but with the same deep love for Ireland and its unique sound.

They are clearly influenced by the major exponents of this genre, as Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, The Rumjacks, The Pogues and The Dubliners. They play covers, reinterpreted traditional irish song and many Original tracks.

The clan have immediately started working with GIANLUCA AMENDOLARA, music producer for THE RUMJACKS ,PUNKREAS, PORNORIVISTE, MICHAEL PITT, SKRUIGNERS and many more.

The band released three album produced by BlackDingo Productions with G.Amendolara . All avaible Online .
Enregistrement : http://www.lemolotov.com/evenement/10829/the-clan

Le molotov

3 Place Paul Cézanne, 13006 Marseille
Débute à 21H00

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