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SBK NOCHE – Samedi 3 Mars 2018 au B52 Café / Aubagne - Bouches-du-Rhone / Foxoo
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Source : #31888 Publié le 13/02/18 | Vues : 133

SBK NOCHE – Samedi 3 Mars 2018 au B52 Café / Aubagne / Bouches-du-Rhone

Evènement passé.

Le samedi 03 mars 2018 à Aubagne.

Samedi 3 mars , Marseille Danse Academy vous propose sa soirée mensuelle SBK Noche avec la venue des Djs exceptionnels !
3 salles - 3 ambiances - Stages avant soirée + Soirée
DJ Alejandro (Tel aviv, ISrael) - Dj Bachata / DJ Willy alias la Vipère Paris/Sofia ) - Dj Salsa Porto / Dj Vincent alias 20 cent (Montpellier)- Dj Kizomba

3 salles - 3 ambiances (1 salle 100% Salsa Porto , 1 salle 100% Bachata et 1 salle 100% Kizomba)

On aura également l'honneur d'accueillir Laurent&Gwen champions de plusieurs compétitions dont le Masters of Bachata Cup competition, Yacine & Alexia (Nîmes/Montpellier), et Jéremy et Mandy (Aix)
Voici ce qui vous attend pour cette soirée de folie :

Présentation des DJs Présents :


Alejandro Martin, also known as DJ Alejandro, is a Bachata DJ and producer/remixer. Raised in Argentina, where he listened at home bachata non stop, and moved to Israel as a teenager.
Alejandro started his latin music career as a salsa instructor, and afterwards also a bachata instructor.
In 2014 he realized that there was missing a bachata DJ in his country and decided to learn the materia.
He's been making his own remixes since 2015 and now he's got more than 50.
Alejandro is invited to lots of international festivals around Europe

Acing the turntables since his 1997 gig at the Montecristo Café, Willy aka "The Viper," is now one of the time-tested master DJs of the city of Light, Paris.
House DJ in several of Paris's hottest clubs, (formerly Barrio Latino, Balajo, The Djoon Club, O'Sullivans and Les Etoiles), Willy also sets the beat for several other parties and congresses in France and around the world.
A founding member of the Parisian salsa collective Papas DJs, he became later on, one perfectly-balanced half of the Dance Angels team.
Now Willy the Viper is following and extending his musical path of sharing good vibes like a lonesome beloved renagade
Music wise, despite the fact that he's regularly booked to events dedicated to 'on-line dancers' or crossbody leaders, Viper enjoys spinning all type of styles for the dancers, from mambo, cha cha cha, guaguanco, son montuno, salsa clasica or dura to romantica, even cuban, or due to his caribbean background, bachata, zouk, kompa and kizomba-semba, the whole choice depending on the crowd and its taste.
'There are more bad djs making the wrong choices than bad music' should be one of his guidelines.

Les Artistes présents

Laurent & Gwen (Lyon)
Yacine & Alexia (Arles/Montpellier)
Jeremie &Mandy (Aix)


Programme des Stages et Soirée

Salle 1 (Bachata Débutant évolutif)
20h00- 21h00 : Jeremy & Mandy (Aix)
21H00-22h00 : Yacine & Alexia (Nîmes/Montpellier)

Salle 2 (bachata inter/avancé)

20h00- 21h00 : Laurent & Gwen (Lyon)
21H00-22h00 : Laurent & Gwen (Lyon)

Salle 3 (Kizomba débutant évolutif)
20h00 - 21h00 - Yous et Vanessa
21h00 - 22h00 - Vincent Cb et sa partenaire

Soirée de 22h00 à 03h00 du matin !

FORFAIT STAGE 2H (20h00-22h00) + SOIREE

Sur Réservation avant le 28 février

Stage de 2h + Soirée = 20' (+ 1 conso offerte)

Si réservation à partir du 1er mars ou sur place

Stage de 2h + Soirée = 25' (+ 1 conso offerte)

FORFAIT STAGE 1H (21h00-22h00) + SOIREE

Pas nécessaire de réserver

Stage de 1h + Soirée = 15' (1 conso offerte)


3 salles - 3 ambiances

PAF : 15' (+1 conso) et le cours offert
B52 Café
Adresse : CD2 Route de Camp Major
ZI la Bastidonne
13400 Aubagne
à 10 minutes du centre de Marseille sortie La Penne sur Huveaune.

Plan d'accès
PLAN B52 Café (Coordonnées GPS)


Infos et Réservations : 04 91 24 94 29

Débute à 20H00
CD2 Route de Camp Major
ZI la Bastidonne
, 13 aubagne


En savoir plus
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